Two Simple Tips to Go Uphill with S1 Pro Electric Scooters for Beginner

Does the way from your house to the bus station has some uphills but is not too steep?

If yes. You got luck.

I have just found 2 tips for you guys to ride your best scooter when uphill.

Let's go.

Just some simple riding tips.


Tip 1,

Ride your scooter with a leg on the floor and help your scooter go uphill.

Just like your little kid plays with his kick scooter.

Tip 2,

If the slope is much steeper, you could try another route, let us say, " Winding up"

The riding route uphill can be like this,

Or like this one ( but please watch out)



When going uphill, we had better ride it slowly to go uphill.

Slowly and gradually ~


All right, 2 tips for you to overcome some small uphills from your house to the bus station or office or anywhere.

Hope to help you anyway.

Thanks for your reading. :>

Happy Friday!